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You are here » СС: PIE test » living room » flood #0 I'm just here for the pie

flood #0 I'm just here for the pie

Posts 31 to 60 of 144



Want to practice English more? Then write in English! Но можно и на русском! Даже на китайском или гэльском, но вас тогда вряд ли поймут  :D Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes.



я буду ждать)

завтра буду в отъезде, но в воскресенье забегу почитать и может даже игру начать какую



Good night )




Lil' bumpy on the start, but anyways, finally made it! Hi, guys, I'm so happy that you actually did a project like this! This is a perfect opportunity to level up some writing skills <3

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Hello again )
Thank you! I hope it'll work and live ))
How are you today?



Seymour wrote:

How are you today?

Actually, I've just woke up, and immediately felt like joining in  :D  I saw your advert on another forum, so, please, keep up with your good work! People will find out and hop in, just like me. At least, I very much hope so!
And how are you today?

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Okay, I guess I should at least eat some breakfast first, then make up my application, brb soon  :D

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

And how are you today?

I have so many plans for today, I don't know where to start.
But you reminded me I haven't had breakfast yet )



Seymour wrote:

But you reminded me I haven't had breakfast yet )

Bon appétit!

Seymour wrote:

I have so many plans for today, I don't know where to start.

Good luck with that! I have some tasks, too, not too urgent, though. These were a tiring few weeks, I really need my rest...

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Bon appétit!

Thanks! To you too )

Stargazer wrote:

I really need my rest...

To have some rest is the best plan one can have for Saturday )
I hope you'll have a nice day )



I cannot even remember the last time I felt so excited about a forum



shut up, Achilles

shut up, Achilles wrote:

I cannot even remember the last time I felt so excited about a forum

Yeah, me too  :D
How is your day going?
Do you plan to rest like Stargazer or to run errands like me?



Seymour, heyoo!
I chose to shamelessly sloth today, and so far I'm sticking to the plan c:

Honestly, I don't know yet. I'm quite short on time this year – grad school is sucking me dry – like, I'm barely squeezing in writing, 'cuz it's good for the soul

What about your day?



Application posted, ready for duty... sort of  :jumping:
Not too shabby, but as usual there is a pretty large room for an improvement.

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



shut up, Achilles
Hello there! =) I hope you don't mind me asking, what kind of slothing do you prefer?))

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Not too shabby, but as usual there is a pretty large room for an improvement.

I think it's more than enough. I am going to add some characters into my file later as well

shut up, Achilles wrote:

I chose to shamelessly sloth today, and so far I'm sticking to the plan c:

I would choose your plan if I had a choice )

shut up, Achilles wrote:

I'm barely squeezing in writing, 'cuz it's good for the soul

I think we owe ourselves to spend some time for things that make us happy. Otherwise what's the point of life?

OK, I need to go and do my business or I'll be late everywhere. And before I became too philosophical  :D

See you later!



Seymour wrote:

I am going to add some characters into my file later as well

Looking forward to it. I'm curious, if there are some crossing points to play together. Have a nice day!

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer, well, sloth per se, I guess?
Today I'm just not doing anything PhD-related, so just some light reading, couple hours into Grounded, a nice long walk in the evening. Oh! And I guess I have spare couple hours to just ram that application, while it's on my mind



Seymour wrote:

I mainly play on Harry Potter forums

Sounds relevant to English. Did you read books in original?

Seymour wrote:

What about you?

I haven't played anything but fantasy with elves and demons.

I've lost the forum i'd played on recently. It was closed all of a sudden. So I even was about to start my own. I have been writing it's setting for a few days. Now I think it could be nice to try writing it in English.

Seymour wrote:

And now I'm going to play Dota and chill too )

Do you like new patch? I'll finally have game or two today, too.



Hello everyone by the way.



I have no idea of my avatar since I this time don't want to see Ken Kaneki there. (sarcasm)



John wrote:

Hello everyone by the way.




shut up, Achilles wrote:

Today I'm just not doing anything PhD-related,

Oh my goodness, I feel you there! I got my PhD a year ago, I was so stressed for three long years. Weirdly, the research itself was the easiest part of the whole ordeal. Relax as much as you can, I wish you all the powers to go through it successfully!

shut up, Achilles wrote:


Is it good? What do you like about it?

shut up, Achilles wrote:

ram that application, while it's on my mind

Going to chek that one out, too!

John wrote:

Hello everyone by the way.

Hello there! How is it going?

Last edited by Stargazer (May 25 2024 13:18:46)

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Is it good? What do you like about it?

It's alright, as far as cooperative sandboxes go. I play it with my dormitory neighbor, who suggested the game to me.
As far as highlights go, there's something funny about fighting giant spiders with a toothpick-sized spear, and building your nest on an oak. I kinda feel bad having to run around, killing small bugs for sustenance, but farming side (I mean, agriculture) in the game is kinda underwhelming.

Stargazer wrote:

Weirdly, the research itself was the easiest part of the whole ordeal.

If I knew how much bureaucracy I'll be up to, and how many burnt-out people will try to tell me that my "youthful idealism" is cureable, I swear, I'd ran away with my masters and would never look back. But it's too late to jump off this ship, I ride and die by academia xd

Last edited by shut up, Achilles (May 25 2024 14:37:25)



John wrote:

Sounds relevant to English. Did you read books in original?

Only The Philosopher's Stone and The Goblet of Fire.
Have you read the books?

John wrote:

Do you like new patch? I'll finally have game or two today, too.

It's fun, yes. I really like the fishing game. I've got all the tokens, but I still play it sometimes.
What position do you play?



Seymour wrote:

I hope those who want to practice English this way will find each other

my tumblr ass english knowledge is really struggling right now, but yeah, hope to find some peace with that too c:



Have anyone ever tried to play on a foreign role play game?

I've tried once. I told them from the very beginning that I was not native, but I think it was obvious anyway  :D
So I filled in an application form and got accepted, but never actually started playing. I was a bit lost because I was not confident about my English level and it was hard to engage anyone in the conversation.
I think it's easier when you know that everyone around you is not a native speaker.



I did once, hence my posts in application. It was a few years ago, that frpg kinda died out for unknown reasons. I remember they asked me once not to pretend to be my character offtopic, since it was weird. Quite a different approach to roleplaying or, perhaps, more sane one? Idk, felt weird back then, still didn't last long to get used to it in any meaningful way.

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



shut up, Achilles wrote:

kinda underwhelming

yeah, well... I'm not a farming type, too. But good for you to have someone to play with, coop games are the best to let go of the stress. I loved playing It takes two. And also there is a wonderful game called Escape Simulator. Design is cosy, settings are very charming and engaging, should be close to what you are playing now)

shut up, Achilles wrote:

I ride and die by academia xd

In the end it's gonna be worth it, at least it would be a huge reason to be proud of yourself. Are you going to teach after that? Or are you doing that already?

bottom gear wrote:

my tumblr ass english knowledge is really struggling right now, but yeah, hope to find some peace with that too c:

I'm more than fine with tumblr ass knowledge, so if there are any common ideas to play with, I'm all ears!)

Last edited by Stargazer (May 25 2024 16:19:21)

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

I remember they asked me once not to pretend to be my character offtopic, since it was weird

oh wow, a think it's strange DON'T do this....i mean half-role in slash is exists.

And hello everyone, sorry for my bad English in advance



your wai fu wrote:

oh wow, a think it's strange DON'T do this

For them it was something disturbing. Perhaps, that attitude was common sense just on that particular frpg, idk fore sure how it is on others, I didn't have time nor desire to check out new foreign projects after that.
Anyways, hi there! =) How is your day?

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


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