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flood #0 I'm just here for the pie

Posts 61 to 90 of 144



Want to practice English more? Then write in English! Но можно и на русском! Даже на китайском или гэльском, но вас тогда вряд ли поймут  :D Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes.



Can't help but wonder how the main design will look like, should be cosy, or perhaps very universal

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Can't help but wonder how the main design will look like, should be cosy, or perhaps very universal

I hope it won't be a disappointment, but it will be almost the same  :D



Stargazer wrote:

I remember they asked me once not to pretend to be my character offtopic, since it was weird. Quite a different approach to roleplaying or, perhaps, more sane one?

Oh, that's quite interesting. I wonder if it's common on foreign forum or was a specific thing for that one.



Seymour wrote:

I hope it won't be a disappointment, but it will be almost the same

Nah, it won't be a disappointment! It's working, it's not blinding or pitch darn black, I like it!)

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

For them it was something disturbing

English fandom is so emotionally sensitive...

Stargazer wrote:

Anyways, hi there! =) How is your day?

I had a lesson with my tutor today, so I'm a little tired. And how are you?)



Seymour wrote:

Have anyone ever tried to play on a foreign role play game?

not necessarily played there, but def saw some. are forums not the most common thing in foreign rp space in general?
at least for me it seems like there were very few of them. would be interesting to know the difference between local players habits from what we are used to here :д

Stargazer wrote:

I'm more than fine with tumblr ass knowledge, so if there are any common ideas to play with, I'm all ears!)

ohhh star wars player right on the spot :3 i would love to play Rey, even got some idea for ep. would you mind me sliding in your dms later?



your wai fu wrote:

I had a lesson with my tutor today, so I'm a little tired. And how are you?)

Good! I've spent most of it watching movies, now I need to work a lil, may be will play some games later. I'm glad to take some rest, couldn't do that for a month.

bottom gear wrote:

ohhh star wars player right on the spot :3 i would love to play Rey, even got some idea for ep. would you mind me sliding in your dms later?

sure, I would like that!

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Seymour wrote:

Have anyone ever tried to play on a foreign role play game?


but it didn't lead anywhere. I dropped onto a similar crossplatform project, but even though I didn't struggle with the лангуаге (I mean, c'mon, this word is a psychotrauma) barrier, the differences in the way they go about roleplaying is just a world in and of itself, that just didn't click with my brain. And that forum was very much similar to the stuff we do on mybb. But Tumblr RP breaks my brain.

Stargazer wrote:

And also there is a wonderful game called Escape Simulator. Design is cosy, settings are very charming and engaging, should be close to what you are playing now

I will put it on my radar.
What I mean by "underwhelming" is that it's quite awfully designed. And on the other hand, I feel kinda bad about running around slaying harmless bugs for sustenance, because they are harmless, and they are cute. Why do I have to prey on something like that?

Stargazer wrote:

In the end it's gonna be worth it, at least it would be a huge reason to be proud of yourself. Are you going to teach after that? Or are you doing that already?

I kinda struggle with the fact that my perception of the candidate work is poisoned by that cynicism that creeps under the facade. Like, yes, not everyone is a candidate of economics, but the thing in and of itself is a parody of science, being mostly just a pinnacle of bullshitting.
But yeah, prospect of guerilla fight for the minds and hearts of the youth is something that keeps me going. That, and the fact that due to certain events in my life when I get to teach, I can squeeze out of my university three months of paid vacation each year, two of which guaranteed to be in summer. Three months of paid leave! Three!

Last edited by shut up, Achilles (May 25 2024 21:38:46)



shut up, Achilles wrote:

Why do I have to prey on something like that?

I don't like killing pretty things in games, too. Especially rabbits or hares, that just breaks my heart... But nothing can beat up the "bring me those bones or meat or any other bloody part" quests in MMOs. Inventory that looks like a serial killer stash is horrendous. I've spent years digging in all different sorts of graveyards and tombs, thanks to PW international. I loved that game so much, still sometimes I wish I didn't xD

shut up, Achilles wrote:

Three months of paid leave! Three!

A month longer than what I will get this summer! Nice! Usually it's from first of July till twenty fifth of August. And nice to meet you, I'm a Candidate of Law btw  ^^

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Inventory that looks like a serial killer stash is horrendous.

Oh, yeah, the narrative implications are just wild! :D
This reminds me, I played heavily modded STALKER recently, and there too was this element of mutants meat and other body parts for sale, which I regularly stuffed an entire chest of, and then dumped in big groups into the Butcher's shop. Like, the narrative of this mindless gameplay hoarding is just... weird. I know that pecunia non olet, but still... That's why I kindly think of Minecraft's farming: you can go vegetarian from basically the day one, and not suffer any consequences   of refusing to hunt.

Stargazer wrote:

A month longer than what I will get this summer

well, I didn't get any last summer, 'cause when my thesis advisor (also the dean of the faculty) asked me to assist with entrance campaign "for two weeks" I really should've lied that I'm busy,' cause that stuff ate my university-mandated summer leave. Though with the whole "figure it out" part of the candidate work neither workdays nor weekends nor vacations make sense to my brain. I work when I work, and I don't when I don't. Calendar has no power over me, but I guess some sense of passage of time wouldn't hurt.

Stargazer wrote:

Candidate of Law

Ooh! That's cool. I'm always amazed by lawyers, the sheer density of these kinds of texts make my brain hurt. Like, yeah, I casually read Das Kapital to just "tughten up" my bachelor of economics, but it's basically a single tome and two more of unfinished notes. Barely a blip, compared to the stuff that you guys have to deal with, sheesh!



shut up, Achilles wrote:

That's why I kindly think of Minecraft's farming: you can go vegetarian from basically the day one, and not suffer any consequences   of refusing to hunt.

That's a nice touch, really! Are there any other games you play? I wonder if I will find some assassin's creed lovers here!))

shut up, Achilles wrote:

Calendar has no power over me, but I guess some sense of passage of time wouldn't hurt.

yeah, and sometimes it's "Working and Prepair for Work" endless circle.....

shut up, Achilles wrote:

Barely a blip, compared to the stuff that you guys have to deal with, sheesh!

Many of my colleagues write like Goethe, sometimes it's hard to get to the point of the topic with such a style of thinking, honestly. But I sincerely believe it's much easier than anything with math and calculations, that's why I have mad respect for those scientists of economics field!

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



and a little bit off-topic, since we don't have a twitter analogue here (yet?)
I'm sooooo geeking out right now, I'm watching few series of season 4 of Warehouse 13. My love for Star Trek is leading me to new projects where my beloved actors were playing, and boy I love what I see now!

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Are there any other games you play? I wonder if I will find some assassin's creed lovers here!))

well, those mentioned in my application: Dark Souls series, Cyberpunk 2077, New Vegas. I only once tried AC: Black Flag somewhere 'round 2018, but I had a crappy laptop back then, and it ran like a slideshow, so I didn't get anywhere c:

Stargazer wrote:

anything with math and calculations, that's why I have mad respect for those scientists of economics field!

Yeah, me too, it's a shame I haven't seen any of them, really xd
My bachelor and masters are in accouting, and that's when they actually pushed statistics and econometrics on me, but higher up the chain, it's all just regurgitation and our own breed of Goethe wannabes and other crackpots. Last year I kinda had a pleasure of reading some Hegel compared vis a vis Marx, and I had easier time there, because Hegel at least has a point. Many of my peers don't. xd

Last edited by shut up, Achilles (May 25 2024 23:02:33)



Stargazer wrote:

since we don't have a twitter analogue here (yet?)

You can start any topic or a game in the flood zone ("living room") if needed



shut up, Achilles wrote:

so I didn't get anywhere c:

aw, that's sad... it's a good game, though not actually about assassins, which was a bummer. I love the period in that game... sail ships, golden age of piracy etc))

shut up, Achilles wrote:

Hegel at least has a point. Many of my peers don't. xd

sad truth for many life-long academics circles...
perhaps one day we might bring a slight change? Fools hopes!))

Seymour wrote:

You can start any topic or a game in the flood zone ("living room") if needed

thank you, I did! I might add some games, if that's ok!))

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Немножко оффтопика на родном могучем... Я могу понакидать вам немного скриптов, ребятки, например, скрипт для быстрой рекламы, если понадобится? Хочется приложить немного лапу к подъему форума, он того стоит!))

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Будем очень благодарны)
Можно в личку Admin



Good morning!



Good morning, yes  :shine:

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



How are you?



Kinda good, but weather is changing and so is my mood. But I'm looking for scripts I've promised, should cheer me up, I like googling usefull stuff. What about you?

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



well, I was too optimistic about scripts
not my lucky day

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Kinda good, but weather is changing and so is my mood. But I'm looking for scripts I've promised, should cheer me up, I like googling usefull stuff. What about you?

I'm still in bed. Too lazy to get up. I don't want to start this day because I have a lot of things to do again.

Какие скрипты хотелось бы видеть?
Точно будет скрипт маски. Остальное по мере необходимости



Быстроплюсики и тег абзаца хотелось бы, вот собственно коды:

В ХТМЛ верх (в конец куда-нибудь):

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Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



И графити каплю забаговано, там нет крестика, чтобы закрыть окно для рисования, плюс загрузка файлов отключена, их можно скрыть))

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



А, я ж взаимный пиар обещала найти, вот оно. Текущие рекламные коды уже вписала и тему самой рекламы, чтобы скрипт в ней работал.
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Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Stargazer wrote:

Быстроплюсики и тег абзаца хотелось бы, вот собственно коды:





Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.



Тебе спасибо ))
Я в этом не понимаю



не за что!
Если скрипт рекламы поставлен, то я там проглядела во второй рекламе красную строку
перед [size=14] один раз удаление нажать и она уйдет, тогда скрипт заработает

Last edited by Stargazer (May 26 2024 12:01:09)

Author signature

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


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