Последние несколько лет играю по Гарри Поттеру или ориджиналы, так что даже не знаю, какие у меня любимые фандомы помимо ГП. Позже заполню этот пункт более вдумчиво. Ко мне можно прийти с любой идеей, и если я знаю, что это и о чем это, то не откажусь.
Что касается жанров, то люблю детективы, исторические эпохи, городское фэнтези, просто фэнтези, сказки.
Не люблю кровавые хорроры и не играю нцу.

Могу сыграть почти любого персонажа из Гарри Поттера кроме золотого трио (о них и так уже много написано).
Анкеты на ориджиналов вместе с идейками добавлю чуть позже. Надеюсь, в течение этой недели.

English level:
Уверенно говорю и пишу на английском, но, конечно, не идеально. Есть куда стремиться.
Что касается потенциального соигрока, то мне можно предложить игру независимо от того, какой у вас уровень.

Game preferences:
Обычно мимикрирую под соигрока по оформлению постов. По умолчанию никак посты не оформляю, но ничего не имею против птицы-тройки.
Пишу чаще от третьего лица. Еще очень не люблю создавать темы, подбирать для них картинки. Но от безысходности могу, конечно  :D

post sample

— I'm not scared, — said Eugenie, but they both knew it was a lie. And, in all fairness, she also knew that he wasn't honest with her either. She could see it in her father's eyes when he tried to assure her that everything was ok. He wanted to keep her calm and, well, it seemed to be working anyway. Now she wasn't so scared as she was two minutes ago. And she definitely wasn't scared of him.
Eugenie walked across the room and took his wand from the table. She held it in her hands very carefully, as if one false touch could break it. She was aware it is not that fragile, but a wand is a treasure for any wizard, especially if it's one's own. And she wanted Oliver's treasures to be safe. Some day she'll have one of these, a wand of her own, and, no doubt, it'll be a true pleasure to get one, but it is very unlikely that she's gonna be as excited about it as she was about her first broomstick. Eugenie couldn't describe the feeling she had the first time she held her broomstick. It was the best day of her life, the day of pure happiness and joy. Of course, it wasn't like the ones real Quidditch players ride, her broomstick was smaller and not so fast as her fathers', but it was perfect for her height and weight, and so beautiful she didn't want to get it out of her hands. Only if she could Eugenie would take it to bed like other kids take dolls and stuffed toys. But broomsticks, even small ones, weren't toys.
— Here, — she handed the wand to its owner. Then Eugenie climbed up in bed with Oliver and put arms around him placing her head on his chest. — Daddy Marcus let me stay so you don't get bored. I'm not sure he was happy about it, but I wanted to stay. And look after you. Are you hungry? I made breakfast.
It was strange for Eugenie to see her father chained to a bed. She always used to think that he is strong enough to do anything. And it never crossed her mind that there could be something that could take him down. She believed that her fathers, both of them, are superheroes, and it hadn't changed. But now she could see that even superheroes have moments of weakness sometimes. This fact didn't make Eugenie think less of him, but for sure made her care about him more. And maybe she wasn't so tall yet, still she had faith there was enough strength in her to help him to get through it.
— You know I love you, right? — she raised her right hand to his face to stroke his cheek like he used to do when she was upset. His face was paler than usual and he had the shadows under his eyes, but Eugenie believed there was a simple explanation — Oliver spent so much time inside that his skin forgot the sun. Once he gets better they are going to play Quidditch in the backyard again, and there are a lot of sun. Her own skin was all pink because she was outside playing and hanging out with neighbourhood kids the whole summer. So it was only a matter of time when this paleness goes off his face.