Люблю научную фантастику и научное фентези, космические оперы, приключения и мистику, античное и средневековое фентези, стимпанк, клокпанк, паранормальное в реальном, мифы, сказки и легенды от древности до современности.


English level:
Я с гордостью заявляю, что Advanced, но тестирований не было, а письменным английским занимаюсь не так часто, как хотелось бы (а точнее почти никогда), поэтому, вероятнее всего, иду из-за этого факта по средней планке с1 уровня либо ниже. Без перепроверки написанного психологически не вывожу показывать англоязычный длинный текст, что надеюсь вскоре поправить.

Game preferences:
Пишу от третьего, в очень редких случаях от первого. Объемы на английском могут варьироваться, смотря по ситуации в игре - где надо вводный пост написать, раскрыть или двинуть историю - может быть много от 5-7к и выше, а где надо участвовать в диалоге или совместный экшен - поменьше, 1,5-3к. Птицей тройкой не пользуюсь, оформительством занимаюсь очень редко.

post sample #1

He had never thought that his life would get so much simpler but at the same time so much emptier. New Asgard was nothing like the land of gods and heroes, where Thor was growing up as a kid, it was a refuge, and strangely as much for the living Aesir and Vanir, as for the shadows of those, who didn’t survive the destruction of their homeland. Thor was trying to hide from his guilt for years, but now, when the final war was won and when half of the survivors had returned to life and to their families and friends, he couldn’t help but bow down to the overwhelming sensation of being truly unworthy of his people.

He was banished once from them to Midgard, to learn human ways of life, and more than Thor could admit even to himself, he was returning to those old days frequently in his mind with mournful wish to live that life again and, if not to change his errors, but at least stay as far from Asgard as possible. He could die back then by a Destroyer’s hand, led by Loki. Perhaps, he should have. Perhaps, it could be better for all of them that way. He wasn’t good to become king, he won’t be – Thor saw that in their eyes, those who were so disappointed in their last heir of Odin.

So he hid himself with Korg and his giant insect-like friend in a shack. Those two couldn’t care less about his ruined legacy and broken vows. And Thor just couldn’t stay alone with his thoughts.

Several weeks passed like in a dream. Now things were going to change. It wasn’t his crown anymore to worry about the last pieces of lost golden kingdom, thought its absence Thor felt deeply within his heart, he knew it was a right thing to do. Brunhilda was from the people, she knew what it is like to be lost and found and to rebuilt your whole life from the scratches of the shining past. Thor had to go through that path, too, but it was a lonely road ahead. He wasn’t ready to be seen for who he had become, but he desperately wanted to show asgardians a new version of himself they just might respect like they had used to.

He had to do something good, because he was still alive. There was nothing behind that, no responsibility, nor destiny to fulfill. Just a simple impulse, that he had shared with the rest of the Avengers, when Stark died. Nothing was going to last forever, and so there wasn’t so much time for his new goal, since his sense of good was now leveled back to the mark of a hero, beaten, lost, enraged and lately regretful, but still a hero. He wasn’t a perfect hero, too, but who was?

So he started his daily routine, leaving his shack at night, while his friends were sleeping, to run as far as he could. It was much harder even compared to those times when Thor was just starting to train with the Einherjar. He was week, he was heavier almost as Volstagg, and much clumsier, but it was a beginning, and he knew how to train, encouraged by the returning sense of life. He was barely leaving his new home after arrival to Earth, so he couldn’t enjoy and embrace the spirit of Midgard, which was known to him and in honest loved.

He was running across the cliffs, to the forests and on through the silver shores, feeling how wind is chasing him day after day faster and faster. His mood was shifting, and every fall on the ground, every pain aching could result in storms above his head, but there were no rainy clouds, because he was happy to feel something besides loss and regret. He was losing weight faster than he thought, and diet helped even more than his night efforts to make his heart drum again with thunder. He was feeling much better, still it was long way till full recovery and even longer for the improvement of that particular hero’s shape, but he was succeeding to the point of getting comfortable to run at daylight, to be seen by his fellow asgardians.

It was one of those days, when he started early in the morning to run again, getting small nods of acknowledgment without a single word from his neighbors. With a short beard and a hair cut as he had once on Sakaar for the sentiment of still being unworthy of his asgardian culture, Thor was wearing a simple black and white sweat suit of some humans popular sports shop, name starting with an “A”. Decent for the purpose and nothing in comparison with his old attire, costume was hiding his persona well enough to get recognized as midgardian, especially with a hoodie covering his head. But there was one single detail that could link him to the new landers in Norway, which was a black and gold eye patch, since his electronic eye died due to energy blast a week ago. After all, the mechanism wasn't designed for a god, who masters lightning. Not a huge loss, his vision was still better than ever before and, more importantly, wiser and deeper.

Hours later, when the noon was approaching, Thor was headed back to the village. New rout took him far deep from the fjord’s shores, and so he was going back by the main road, which was built by humans towards Tonsberg’s ruins. Up and down, green and grey hills suddenly revealed a car right before him in a distance. Smoke was leaving the heated engine, covering up the wooden sign off the road, that was proudly modified to welcome New Asgard’s visitors. There were not as much of visitors, as Thor was almost hoping to see. Though integrated with all possible rules and regulations by human authorities, they were still aliens to the land they once helped to form and people of Earth were not so much into tourism as they were used to before Decimation.

Probably, after everything that had happened, asgardians were not even that special. The thought was humbling. With a slight constraint Thor run up jogging to the car and only then stopped with a concerned frown.

“Greetings!” he said with a smile towards young lady, whose car was now broken and not doing much except pollution. Thor's voice was slightly deeper than expected for the light tone he was aiming for, but still a gentle rumble.

“Do you need assistance with this vehicle?”

post sample #2

Hearing his own name without a proper introduction to the entirely unknown stranger wasn’t something unlikely to Thor. After all, he was popular on Earth back in the days, much better days which were seemingly leading one by one to the shiny future. He was a superhero of Midgard, with a base of devoted human admirers, and he had praised himself for that quite a lot.

When his future finally came, it was nothing Thor could have ever anticipated. Reasonably his views upon himself and his legacy deviated far enough from being comfortable around any people at all, and, as it came to his mind, around those, who knew something they most likely shouldn’t. Thor tried to remember this young woman, searched through his past interactions with humans, but he couldn’t pick her face up in his mind regardless of his efforts.

He smiled incredulously and firmly shook her hand, cautious not to hurt her.

“You are right, lady Jean, I am Thor. And you are neither a native to these parts, nor an acquaintance of mine,” he said cautiously, trying to look as if past of her eyes to the truth behind them. He knew how Norsemen talk and how they look. And Jean Grey reminded him more of Jane Foster who was from another country across the ocean, his friends’ lands. Could this woman be from those far parts of Midgard as well?

“You did not guess calling my name,” Thor added with a hint of curiosity, still frowning with concern. “I wonder, why? Good with faces or with sorcery?”

He doubted that this human was one of those who cheered to see him fly above them in the sky. She also didn’t give a reason to acknowledge brewing malice, at least from the beginning of their conversation. Just a wanderer, perhaps? Or finally someone dared to use those ridiculous telephone machines to show New Asgard via humans invisible web net? If so, that wasn’t a good idea, he thought unconsciously.

Last edited by Stargazer (May 27 2024 21:40:57)

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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.